日本財団 図書館


Article 15
(1)When the head referee judges that, despite the chief referees kakekoe,' the tachial has been carried out improperly, the head referee shall immediately stop the match by raising his right hand.
(2)When a match has been stopped in accordance with the above regulation, the tachiai shall be immediately started over.
(3)Judging whether a tachiai is proper or not is generally the duty of the head referee. However, if a sub-referee judges that the tachiai was improper, he can report this following the end of the match. When this happens, the winner of the match shall be determined through the deliberation of the referees.
Article 16
(1)When a match continues for five minutes or more without producing a winner, the match shall be stopped and a "torinaoshi" immediately ordered.
(2)The head referee, upon receiving the proper signal from the head time-keeper, shall instruct the chief referee to stop the match.
Article 17
When the chief referee has accidentally made the "shobu atta" pronouncement during a match, a "torinaoshit" shall be ordered following the objection of the chief referee or a sub-referee and subsequent deliberation.


Sumo terms:
dohyo: the Sumo ring
"shobu atta": literally "there is a winner"
kachinanori: the referee's call as to the winner
rikishi: sumo wrestler
kabaite/okuriashi: when the winning wrestler keeps his opponent from falling to injury and in so doing touches the dohyo with his hand (kabaite) or leg (okuriashi)
orikomi: the front fold of the mawashi
mawashi: the loincloth "belt" worn in Sumo
nagewaza: a throwing technique
kinjite: forbidden move
maebukuro: pouch part of mawashi
maetate fundoshi: pulling on the maebukuro
harite: pulling behind the shoulder and then slapping the opponent's face
dohyo-damari: waiting area beside the dohyo
tachiai: the initial charge
kakegoe: the referee's starting call
shikirisen: the white starting lines marked on the dohyo
matta: a call to wait and restart
torinaoshi: a rematch




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